When G told me that she was getting engaged, I told her that I'd only come to her wedding on one condition: that I get to wear turquoise. She's not having any bridesmaids, but I wanted to wear the traditional bridesmaid color anyway, complete with dyed-to-match pumps.
This weekend, I found my dress. It's not quite turquoise - it's more sea foam green, but it's close enough. I bought the dress and called G immediately to inform her of my fantastic find, and left her a message to tell her that I'd be waiting with baited breath and heaving bosom to hear from her.
This morning, G and I were chatting online and she wanted me to describe the dress. I have such an amazing way with words that after several paragraphs of descriptive terms, G still had no idea what the dress actually looked like. So I told her I'd draw her a color rendering, and draw it I did.
Please note: drawing specifications are exactly to scale, especially the bust and skin tone.All I have to do now is whittle my arms down to sticks, chop off my pinkies, get a boob job, and spend enough time in the sun so that I actually become black.
Monday, January 28, 2008
In Pursuit of the Perfect Dress
Sunday, January 27, 2008
ESPN, Why You Want to Torment Me?
I was enjoying my Saturday afternoon, still glowing from the exhilaration of seeing Rambo on Friday night (and yes, it was as awesome and amazing as I'd hoped it would be. It was absolutely everything I want from an action film), relaxing on my bed and spending some quality time with Joaquin El Divo the Tivo; when I channel surfed to ESPN. I was about to continue flipping through, when the familiar green uniforms that I love more than life itself caught my eye, and I heard a narration that made my heart stop.
"The Philadelphia Eagles stepped from the shadows of three straight NFC Championship losses, and onto the biggest and brightest stage in sports: Superbowl 39. But to win their first world championship in more than four decades, the Eagles would have to defeat the defending world champion New England Patriots, who were accustomed to the scrutiny that comes with greatness."
ESPN was broadcasting a thirty-minute recap of Superbowl 39; or as I like to call it, The Day I Died a Little More Inside.
Everyone has painful moments that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Horrible, tragic moments. They remember what they were wearing, where they were, how they felt - like the day in seventh grade when Matt Deckman turned around in English class to tell me that my boyfriend Kyle didn't want to go out with me anymore; and also that my front was a flat as my back. Hypothetically.
My painful memory is the day the Eagles lost the Superbowl. Watching the ESPN recap, I felt exactly like I had that day in 2004, tears and all.
That's right - I literally cried when I watched this show. I felt the agony of their loss all over again, like pouring salt on my openly wounded heart.
"Down by seven points and with barely thirteen minutes remaining in Superbowl 39; the glow of Philadelphia's world championship dream was dimming...McNabb's third interception ended Philadelphia's hopes."
No! No! No! Not again!
"The Eagles' last ditch, valiant effort falls short, and yet as great a game as it was, and as much as you have to respect the Eagles, it still remains a painful, painful defeat."
I clench my fist, hold it to my trembling mouth and whisper, "Whhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..."
Friday, January 25, 2008
Another Reason Why I Love My Job
Because all it took was a little pouty lip and puppy dog eyes from me to convince the guys to let me pick the color of paint for the job trailer bathroom.
I work with great guys. They're very tolerant of the fact that I giggle every time I hear the word "nipple" (as in, 'We need a 50-foot air hose with a 3/4" nipple'); they're more than willing to hook up their big trucks and tow my car when my fuel pump dies (as in a month ago when that happened); and they're good sports about my continual clumsiness (as in when I slipped and fell down a huge hole). But I don't think they realized what they were signing up for when they agreed to let me pick the bathroom paint color.
So now we have a job trailer on site, painted very sensible, manly colors of tan and beige; but when you open the bathroom door, you are greeted by the following palate of joy:It's called Lovely Lily. And the guys hate me.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
In Preparation for the 2008 Oscar Pickett Sign Cake
About the guy... he's 27, he's an engineer (manufacturing, not the train kind; although I secretly wish it was the train kind because then maybe he could take me on cool dates where we go on a train through the country side and I get to ride around in the front of the train and lean out the little window with my arm outstretched like Evita, singing about how I'm going to make something of myself, wearing one of those cute striped hats and occasionally shoveling coal so that when I get off, I have a cute black smudge across my nose and one on my cheek which he tries to wipe away but instead smudges it more because his hands are all sooty so we just laugh about how cute the whole thing is) he's in the National Guard, he has a motorcycle, he's from Washington state, um....what else....oh yeah, he hates Mustangs.
Despite that minor character flaw, he's got a great sense of humor and he's cute to boot. We had a great time at the hockey game - I decided to cheer for the visiting team because I liked their uniform colors better, so we were somewhat ostracized from the crowd. We talked really easily and had a lot of fun. And there was the typical awkward hug at the end. Sigh. But there was also talk of him wanting to come see Rambo with me on Friday night, so we'll see what happens.
In other news, this is the time of year I'm usually gearing up for the Oscars - planning the party, making the ballots, getting the prizes ready, and most importantly, preparing for the traditional Oscar cake. But with no foreseeable end to the writer's strike in sight, the Oscars could turn out to be as boring as the Golden Globes. Which means that my traditional Oscar cake will instead be a picket-sign cake. I'll do it, too.
However, I'm determined to carry out the ballot contest, prizes and all. Here's how it works: all you have to do is make your predictions and email them to me by Saturday February 23rd - the day before the Oscars are set to air. Send your predictions to juneyuh@gmail.com. There will be a totally awesome prize for the person with the most correct, and a totally awesome prize for the person with the least correct. But anyone who votes for anything associated with Keira Knightley is automatically disqualified. Just kidding.
And the nominees are....oh, and for those of you who are anything like Bone Senior and think that Eva Longoria and Eva Mendes are the same person, there are handy dandy links that should help with some of the things you may not be familiar with.
No Country for Old Men
Viggo Mortensen, "Eastern Promises."
3. Actress:
Marion Cotillard, "La Vie en Rose"
Ellen Page, "Juno."
4. Supporting Actor:
Tom Wilkinson, "Michael Clayton."
5. Supporting Actress:
Saoirse Ronan, "Atonement"
Tilda Swinton, "Michael Clayton."
6. Director:
7. Foreign Film:
8. Adapted Screenplay:
9. Original Screenplay:
10. Animated Feature Film:
11. Art Direction:
12. Cinematography:
"There Will Be Blood."
13. Sound Mixing:
14. Sound Editing:
15. Original Score:
16. Original Song:
17. Costume:
18. Documentary Feature:
19. Documentary (short subject):
21. Makeup:
22. Animated Short Film:
23. Live Action Short Film:
24. Visual Effects:
Friday, January 18, 2008
2008 Resolution #1: Date
Yes, just date. More specifically, be open to dating guys who aren't huge bald guys with biceps as big as my head. (I've been told I have a "type".)
Status: Off to a good start, as I've been asked out for tonight.
That's right, folks; close your jaws and blink once or twice. Someone asked me out. And by "someone", I mean a guy who lives in my neighborhood and has a motorcycle.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Suddenly Things Are Looking Up
It is eight degrees this morning. Eight. And windy, which makes for extra fun after putting on lip gloss and venturing out to the parking lot. You ladies know what I'm talking about.
While today is the coldest it's been all winter, I haven't really wanted to get out of bed for the past few days. Last night, I hit the height of my lethargy when I was in bed, surrounded by no less than six pillows, eating honey roasted peanuts by sticking my tongue into the jar and fishing around until a few peanuts stuck, watching American Idol tryouts from Philadelphia. It was the epitomy of high class and sophistication, if you can picture it.
I was getting bored and super-fast-forwarding through the commercials when something caught my eye and I bolted upright, sending my jar of peanuts flying. Did I just see what I thought I saw? Can it be? I rewound and watched the commercial that had grabbed my attention.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I watched it again.
How did I not know about this!?! How has this slipped past my radar?!?
I put Joaquin El Divo the Tivo on pause and ran, literally RAN, screaming down the stairs to Yanaj's room. She heard me coming from two stories above and didn't hesitate when I screamed at her that she HADTOCOMEUPSTAIRSRIGHTNOWRIGHTTHISSECOND!
We ran back up to my room and I had to catch my breath before unveiling to Yanaj the wonderment and magic that had brought me so much joy.
Feast your eyes upon this.
I know. I can hardly believe it either. At least now I have plans for Valentine's Day.
Monday, January 14, 2008
2008 is Boring So Far
As evidenced by my severe lack of posting, not much has been going on with me. I think it has to do with quitting soda (14 days clean, can I get a whoop whoop). By giving up Diet Pepsi Max, I also gave up my motivation to write. Sigh.
So how about the sham that was the Golden Globes? Apparently I'm the only one in my office who cares at all, so I'm going to rant about it here.
The Golden Globes are usually the third biggest night of the year for me, preceded by the Oscars and the Superbowl. But this year, the Globes are the fifth biggest night of the year for me, preceded by the Oscars, The Dark Knight (June), Rambo (Jan 25), and then the Superbowl.
I look forward to the Globes because they have been shown to be the best predictor of the Oscars; thus the key to my annual winning of the Oscar predictions at my annual Oscar party with my annual Oscar cake. But with the way the writer's strike is going, chances are looking slim that there will be any Oscars ceremony this year.
Watching the faux-Globes last night was less than mediocre. First, I hate Billy Bush and his stupid entertainment reporting. Second, I think most of the winners sucked. Ok, mainly just Atonement, which won for Best Picture. And I haven't even seen Atonement, I just hate Kiera Knightly. A lot. I hate her so much that disirregardless of how much Oscar buzz the film is getting, I won't see it. I can't stop staring at that stupid face she makes with her stupid pouty lips.
And Sweeney Todd beat out Hairspray, Juno, and Across the Universe - three films that I love love LOVED. Sweeney Todd was OK; entertaining at best - I liked the spurting, squirting blood, but overall, I'm not a huge fan. I loved Hairspray so much that I gave Elizabeth a calendar of our favorite piece of jail bait:I'm not ashamed to say it - I do love me some Zac Efron.
Speaking unabashadly of guilty pleasures, is anyone else super excited to see Rambo? No? Just me? Really? Ok. Peep your eyes on this and maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from:
That's right, beeyatches, I made that. I made that. You can make one too!!! Go to this link.
My point is that you know where I'll be on Friday January 25th. And I'm thrilled to finally have an occasion besides Christmas morning to wear my "I Heart John Rambo" t-shirt.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Holla Dayz
One of my goals for the week is to do a 2007 Movies Year In Review. This is not that post.

Attempt #4: Perfection times two.

Which pretty much brings us to New Years Eve. I partied like a rockstar. Ok, not really. But Elizabeth and I decided to kick off the celebration with our traditional picture:

Followed by a cream-puff-stuffing contest.

I won.

Followed by traditional midnight festivities...
And I said goodbye to a dear, dear old friend.
Diet Pepsi Max (and all other sodas), R.I.P. You will be missed.
I'm determined to win the bet of quitting soda cold turkey. For every day my co-worker Dean and I go without soda, a dollar accumulates into a pot. Whoever buckles first pays the other person.
Days clean: 2
Headaches: many
Ounces of water drank today: 96
Happy Bone Juniors: zero.