I've won a major award! It could be a bowling alley! Or just the deed to it...
Not quite as tangible as this major award, but it will do. And since I'm not feeling witty or creative, I will plagiarize verbatim Andi Mae.
Somebody loves my blog and has awarded me the honor of answering a few questions...with only one word. For being a verbose chatterbox, we'll see how this goes...
- Where is your cell phone? I was going to say, "Right in front of me," but then I remembered that these are supposed to be one word answers, and this quiz is going to be harder than I thought so... close? My cell phone is close? Is that right?
- Where is your significant other? Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Does that count as one word?
- Your hair color? dark
- Your mother? pale
- Your father? tan
- Your favorite thing? Mustang
- Dream last night? pastries...cinnamon rolls to be exact, but that's two words...dumb rules. And stop harping on the fact that I'm using more than one word - the point is that I actually dreamed about cinnamon rolls, people.
- Your goal? fame
- The room you're in? office
- Your hobby? movies
- Your fear? SPIDERS
- Where do you want to be in 6 years? famous
- Where were you last night? work
- What you're not? unfunny
- One of your wish-list items? Reverse-C door stripes for my mustang - I'm sorry, there's no way to condense that into one word. Deal with it.
- Where you grew up? C'Ville
- The last thing you did? Typed. Duh, I'm doing this survey, aren't I? What else could I be doing except typing? Brainstorming?
- What are you wearing? Double D's hahahahahahahahah I crack myself up.
- Your TV? big
- Your pet? FatDragon. See how I made that into one word?
- Your computer? slooooooooooooooow
- Your mood? PMSsy
- Missing someone? sister
- Your car? HOT
- Something you're not wearing? A's! hahahahahahah. Reference #18 if you don't get it. I still crack myself up.
- Favorite store? Buckle
- Your summer? tanorexic
- Love someone? Elvis
- Your favorite color? purple
- When is the last time you laughed? today
- Last time you cried? today
It would be awesome if your hair color and favorite color were the same...
Oh sister. Wait, that's 2 words. Do the rules apply to comments?? Let me try again...
Nope, can't do it. Not as witty or clever as you.
Sorry you're feeling PMSsy...but you're absolutely right. You're not unfunny. :)
I heart Bone Junyeah.
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